Boosting Sales Qualified Leads on Your Enterprise Website: The Winning Formula
Your product is highly regarded by your initial customer base. You have identified your target audience and devised customized advertising strategies to reach them. Although your website receives traffic according to Google Analytics, these visitors are not converting into leads.
To convert website visitors into leads, a strategic narrative plays a vital role.

A useful exercise in developing this narrative is the "Who/Why/What/How" positioning exercise. This exercise aids in crafting a compelling company story that effectively communicates your company vision and product offerings to your audience.
To create a compelling company story, consider the following questions:
Who are your target customers?
Why are they visiting your website?
What information does your target audience seek before making a purchase?
How do customers become aware of your product?
Answering these questions enables the strategic development of a compe
lling company story that unifies various aspects of your organization and conveys a powerful narrative about your business. Let's explore each question in more detail.
Who Are You Selling To? For example, one of our clients is a newly funded company that sells sales automation software. Instead of targeting all companies with a sales team, we narrowed down the market segments. We focused on US-based companies with over 1,000 employees and a sales team of more than 20 representatives, as well as high-growth technology companies with 100 to 250 employees and at least 10 people on their sales team.
Segmenting the market had three significant advantages:
Identifying specific requirements of each group.
Identifying target segments where our client can effectively compete.
Identifying segments that can be targeted at a later stage.
Once you identify your target segments, it's crucial to thoroughly understand your ideal buyer. While the final sign-off often rests with the C-suite, research shows that 81% of non-C-suite individuals have influence over purchase decisions. Directors and managers ty
pically conduct the research phase, preparing requests for proposals (RFPs) and evaluating competitors.
Why Is This Person On Your Website? The "why" differs for researchers and final decision-makers. Researchers visit your site to learn about your product and compare features and benefits of different options. On the other hand, final decision-makers are primarily interested in the high-level benefits your product or solution offers. They want to know how it will help their company win more deals and streamline processes. Typically, decision-makers don't have time to delve into each feature, so it's important to emphasize the high-level benefits while providing easy access to feature-specific information on your website.
What Product or Solution Information Does Your Target Audience Need To Know About Before Purchasing? Before making a purchase decision, people compare options against specific criteria. Your website should address these evaluation criteria in the right order. By understanding your ideal customers' evaluation process, you can focus on providing the necessary information on your website and tailor it to their needs.
How Do Customers Hear About Your Product? Understanding the channels that bring traffic to your website is essential. This knowledge helps identify the most effective channels for driving traffic. For instance, if someone arrives at your website through a Google search, they may be researching sales automation software, evaluating vendors, or exploring the technology behind your solution. By analyzing traffic sources, you can make informed decisions about optimizing your website.
For example, we discovered that many visitors arrived via various social media profiles, but they were not converting into leads. It indicated that social media visitors might not be inclined to sign up for demos or product walk-throughs. In response, we adjusted the call to action to encourage social media visitors to subscribe to our client's blog.
Quick Recap: To create a captivating company story that motivates site visitors to take desired actions, it's crucial to understand:
Who is visiting your site?
Why are they